In tarot, the Empress card typically symbolizes fertility, abundance, and the potential for nurturing and mothering. It represents the energy of nurturing, caring, and creating. The Empress card is often associated with the energy of creativity, femininity, and the ability to provide emotional and physical support.
When the Empress card is in an upright position, it can indicate that the querent is in a nurturing and supportive environment, they are experiencing abundance and prosperity in their life. They may be feeling creative and productive, and may be able to use their talents to create something beautiful. They may also be feeling emotionally balanced, intuitive, empathetic, and open to new experiences. They may be in a position to provide emotional and physical support to others.
When the Empress card is in a reversed position, it can indicate that the querent may be experiencing a lack of nurturing or support in their life. They may be feeling unproductive, lacking in creativity, and may be struggling to create something meaningful. They may also be feeling emotionally disconnected, and may be struggling to understand their own feelings and the feelings of others. They may also be closed off to new experiences. This card in reverse can also indicate that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed and may be struggling to provide emotional and physical support to others. They may also be lacking in self-care and self-nurturing. They may also be experiencing financial difficulties or that they may be struggling with their finances.