In tarot, the Hermit card typically symbolizes introspection, wisdom, and the potential for self-discovery. It represents the energy of seeking knowledge and understanding through solitude and introspection. The Hermit card is often associated with the energy of seeking guidance, contemplation, and the ability to find answers within oneself.
When the Hermit card is in an upright position, it can indicate that the querent is in a stage of introspection, and that they are seeking knowledge and understanding through solitude and introspection. They may be seeking guidance and looking within themselves to find answers. This card can also indicate that the querent is in a stage of self-discovery, they may be looking to understand themselves better and the world around them. They may also be feeling a sense of inner wisdom and inner peace.
When the Hermit card is in a reversed position, it can indicate that the querent may be avoiding introspection and self-reflection. They may be avoiding being alone with their thoughts or facing their inner self. They may also be feeling lost or disconnected from themselves and the world around them. They may also be lacking in self-care and self-nurturing. They may also be feeling unmotivated, lack of self-discipline, they may be easily distracted and may lack focus. They may also be experiencing delays in achieving their goals, or they may be experiencing stagnation in certain areas of their life. They may also be avoiding the truth of a situation and may be avoiding taking responsibility for their actions. They may also be neglecting their responsibilities and not providing protection and guidance to others.