In tarot, the Devil card typically symbolizes materialism, temptation, and the potential for addiction and self-destructive behavior. It represents the energy of being controlled by material desires, addictions, and vices, and the potential for losing control of one's life. The Devil card is often associated with the idea of being enslaved by one's desires and being controlled by external factors such as addictions and vices. It can also indicate the potential for self-destructive behavior and the need to take responsibility for one's actions.
When the Devil card is in an upright position, it can indicate that the querent is being controlled by their desires, addictions, and vices, and that they are at risk of losing control of their life. It can also indicate that the querent may be experiencing financial difficulties or that they may be struggling with their finances. This card is a call to take responsibility for one's actions and to be aware of the potential for self-destructive behavior.
When the Devil card is in a reversed position, it can indicate that the querent may be breaking free from the control of their desires, addictions, and vices, and that they are regaining control of their life. It can also indicate that the querent may be making progress in overcoming their addictions and vices, and that they are on the path to recovery. They may also be becoming more aware of the negative impact that their behavior has on themselves and others. The reversed devil card can also indicate that the querent may be experiencing financial stability and may be in a good position to make good financial decisions.