The Crowley-Harris Thoth tarot deck, also known as the Thoth tarot, is considered one of the most unique and distinctive tarot decks ever created. It was designed by the British occultist and mystic Aleister Crowley in collaboration with the artist Lady Frieda Harris and was first published in the 1940s.
The Thoth tarot deck is notable for its highly symbolic and complex illustrations, which are heavily influenced by the teachings of the Kabbalah, alchemy, and Crowley's own system of magic, Thelema. The deck contains several innovations, including a new arrangement of the tarot trumps and a new understanding of the tarot court cards.
One of the key features of the Thoth tarot deck is its deep symbolic content, which has made it a favorite among tarot enthusiasts who are interested in the esoteric and mystical aspects of the tarot. The deck is also known for its distinctive artistic style, which is characterized by intricate and colorful illustrations that are heavily influenced by the Art Deco movement.
In summary, the Crowley-Harris Thoth tarot deck is known for its highly symbolic and esoteric illustrations, its innovations in the traditional tarot structure, and its unique artistic style. These features have made the Thoth tarot a favorite among those interested in the mystical and esoteric aspects of the tarot, and it continues to be one of the most distinctive and influential tarot decks in the world.